Sail Skiff [Star Wars]
The "Sail Barge" coin shown at the left of the above image is one of the rarest and most sought-after of all Power of the Force coin variations. The title was eventually changed to "Sail Skiff" because, of course, the coin depicts the smaller skiff vehicle and not the large "Barge" on which Jabba rode during the early scenes of Return of the Jedi. Although Kenner did patent a design for a Sail Barge vehicle, the toy appears to have never been prototyped.

One wouldn't be too offbase calling the "Sail Barge" coin a prototype; to my knowledge, all known examples have either originated with former Kenner employees or turned up inside the very few framed coin sets that were issued to Kenner executives.

The other two images show two versions of the "Sail Skiff" coin. One, quite oddly, lacks the text reading "Star Wars," which appears prominently on the other two versions.

Above you see the backs of the three coins. The Sail Skiff (no Star Wars)reads as follows on the back: JABBA THE HUTT's desert sailcraft used to transport REBELS to the SARLACC pit.

Description by: Gus Lopez
Photo: Gus Lopez
From the collection of: Gus Lopez
Country:United States
Film:Power of the Force
Category:Coins / Action Figure


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive