Wicket W. Warrick Kenner Action Figure Sculpt and Production Series
This is a comprehensive series of prototypes related to the production of the 1983 Kenner action figure of Wicket W. Warrick. With the exceptions of items 8 and 9, these were all purchased more than 15 years ago from the original Kenner sculptor who created the figure.

This series has been packed for several years, and I need to spend more time detailing how various pieces fit into the process.

The original sculpt of the figure torso was modified quite a bit from the original version, so casts of that original version were re-worked to create the final piece, which is why the wax color varies from the limbs. Notable changes were reworking his eyebrows and chin area to be less prominent. The intent seems to have been to make the character look cuter, but it may also have related to the fit of his cowl.

The cowl was re-sculpted to allow more space for his arm to move, but it also features slight less detail.

The series includes:

1. Wax sculpt
2. First version cowl sculpt on hard copy
3. First version cowl hard copy
4. Final version cowl hard copy
5. Primered hard copy of early version of sculpt
6. Partial unpainted hard copy of the final production sculpt
7. Protomolded plastic figure
8. Hand-painted protomolded plastic figure
9. Non-production color first shot
10. Torso wax cast, hard copy, and the mold used to create the hard copy
11. Torso wax (still sorting out stage in cycle) and silicone mold
12. Final version cowl sculpt on hard copy and silicon mold
13. Silicon cast of the cowl sculpt

More details coming.

Description by: Todd Chamberlain
Photo: Todd Chamberlain
From the collection of: Todd Chamberlain
Country:United States
Film:Return of the Jedi
Category:Prototypes / Action Figure Related


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive