Original Artwork for the Parker Brothers The Empire Strikes Back Atari Video Game Packaging
This is an impressive piece of original art. Consider that this is the artwork used on every box and cartridge for one of the more popular Atari games of the early-mid 1980s, one I'm sure many of us who were growing up had in our collections next to Pac-Man and Yar's Revenge.

In the days before photoshop and generic images supplied by Lucasfilm, companies would often hire talented artists to come up with designs for their packaging concepts. The quality and detail of this type of artwork is sometimes unnoticed when on the package, but as a standalone piece, it is really quite impressive. In this close-up, you can see that this actually consists of an airbrushed background, and a very sharply drawn AT-AT is applied, creating a three dimensional effect. The snowspeeder has unfortunately fallen off and is lost. It is very nice to know that original art like this is finding its way into the hands of collectors.

Here's an image of the box.

Description by: John Wooten
Photo: John Wooten
From the collection of: Dan Flarida
Country:United States
Film:Empire Strikes Back
Licensee:Parker Bros.
Category:Art / Original Artwork


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive