Wicket Preliminary Coin Art
Apparently, Wicket was more important than all the other Ewoks. Whereas others, such as Warok, are referred to simply as Ewok, Wicket gets the rather respectful title of The Ewok. That was the case on the production coin, at any rate. On this sketch, he\'s still referred to simply as Ewok. The rest of the design was reproduced faithfully on the aluminum coin. The only change was the addition of a log in the background, which gives the composition some depth.

The released version of this coin can be seen here.

Description by: Ron Salvatore
Photo: James Gallo
From the collection of: James Gallo
Country:United States
Film:Power of the Force
Category:Prototypes / Coin


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive