Weather Station (on upper monorail platform)

Materials 1"x8"x18" pine; 3 1/2" o.d. x2 1/2" PVC pipe; 1 5/8" o.d. x11 1/2" PVC pipe; 1/4"-diam. x15" aluminum rod; 1/4"x6"x12" mirrored acrylic; 5/8"-diam. x12" dowel; 1/4"-diam. x12" dowel.

Follow Plan View to cut pine and to assemble Weather Station base. Drill board as indicated.

Cut 1 5/8"-diam. PVC pipe to 11 1/2"x45 degree angle. Use shape of angled end as pattern and cut out 1/4" acrylic mirror.

Cut 5/8"-diam. dowel as shown for solar wind wheel support. Drill pilot hole for screw in facing end. Mark back of mirror (Detail C) to cut wind wheel with jigsaw or band saw. Drill center clearance hole for screw.

From 1/4"-diam. aluminum rod, cut Radar Pole and arm. See Detail B to cut mortise and tenon hinge with hacksaw. Drill both parts and connect with brad cut to 3/8". Lightly peen cut end after brad in inserted.

Cut curved sound reflector from 3 1/2" PVC pipe (Detail A) with jig, coping or band saw. Sand and drill center hole for 1/4"-diam. arm. Slip onto arm as shown.

Cut 1/4"-diam. acrylic dowel as shown and polish cuts.

Diagram 1
Diagram 2

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