Personnel Launcher

Materials 1/2"x18"x30" plywood; 1/2"x1"x2" pine; 3/8"-diam. x6" dowel; 12"x36" or 18"x24" plastic-laminate (see General Directions); double-stick foam tape; elbow catch with screws; 3/8" i.d. flat washers; two springs each 7/16"-diam. i.d. x5"; 2' of No. 18 soft steel wire.

From 1/2" plywood, cut out parts for the inner box, catwalk (C) and moving platform (A). Follow Details A, B, C. Cut notch in platform. Glue and nail pine block in place. Install latch catch, fill notch with plug, laminate top surface and then drill for spring dowels.

Use platform as guide to drill 1/4"-deep holes in floor of box and underside of catwalk for same dowels. With dowels in place in floor and the platform on dowels, locate position of elbow section of latch; then mark and install with screw.

Assemble box. Attach catwalk last with platform, dowel, springs and washers in place. Laminate catwalk. Paint inside of box and visible edges. Cut walls of outer box and other remaining parts (all are cut to fit). Assemble as shown; laminate.

Drill and attach 5 stair rungs on location shown in Front Section View, forming rungs out of No. 18 wire as shown in detail in the diagram for Solar Panel Unit, directions for which follow.


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