Park with Drawbridge

Materials 1/4"x6"x24" plywood; 1/2"x36"x48" plywood; 2x2x24" pine; 5/8"x5/8"x2' pine quarter round; 24"x48" of plastic laminate (see General Directions); PVC pipe, 1" o.d. x30"; 1"x4 5/8" continuous hinge; scraps of self-adhesive plastic foil.

Follow diagram and cut out all parts. Make both step units together, as one. Use white glue to join the steps together to make unit and clamp until dry. Cover treads with plastic-laminate and then cut apart into two sets of steps as shown in diagram.

Cut out base A and base B. We show base A compeltely covered with laminate, but you can cover just parts which are not covered by base B and add scraps into covered area to keep base B level. Cover B completely with laminate. Screw A and B together from bottom.

Cut and laminate platform E. Cut out bench parts; assemble and paint. Screw to platform E from underneath. To make sculpture, cut PVC pipe as shown in diagram, using band saw to cut tops at an acute angle. Twist pipe slightly as you push it into saw blade, working slowly to get odd shapes. Cover inside with self-adhesive plastic foil. Cut sculpture base and paint it. Contact cement sculpture to its base; then cement base to platform. Complete assembly and make drawbridge following diagram. Hinge to unit (if making Conveyor-belt Bridge, make drawbridge to fit onto it).

Diagram 1
Diagram 2

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