
Materials 1/2"x36"x30" plywood; 30"x36" plastic laminate (see General Directions); 1"x6"x48" pine; 1/8"x6"x18" clear acrylic; 1/4"x6"x12" clear acrylic; 3/4"x3/4"x4" cove molding; 3/8"-diam.x6" dowel; 1/8"x3/4"x6" aluminum bar; 56 1/2" cut from 6' length of standar shelving bracket; 2 1/2"-sq. cardboard; 2 liter plastic Cola bottle; 3 yd. nylon monofilament; acrylic solvent; 3/8"-diam. washers.

Tower with platforms Construct tall tower first, making grooves in the uprights as shown. Cut and assemble uprights and top; add base temporarily. Make certain uprights are parallel. Cut platforms to fit; attach.

From 1/4" and 1/8" acrylic, cut car parts. Polish edges. Assemble as shown with acrylic solvent (use as glue). Assemble counterbalance weights using 1/8"-diam. dowel and washers. Remove base, position car between uprights; replace base. Tie car to counter weights with monofilament. Remove or add washers until car rises with finger touch. Complete base and part E. Attach.

Note If the monorail is being constructed alone, use piece of 3/4"x11"x60" plywood as base, with towers screwed or pegged to it.

Small tower Cut parts from pine and assemble as shown. Drill bottom edge for 3 3/8"-diam. dowel, matching holes in platform. Cut two pieces of aluminum bar, each 1/8"x3/4"x2". Drill as shown in Detail G and cut notches with hack saw. File burrs and round corners. Attach aluminum brackets to appropriate towers. Cut shelf standard to fit between towers.

Monorail car Choose bottle with fewest possible scratches. Pull off base. Cut bottle as shown, then doorway. Cut ring for collar from 1" pine, cutting inner flattened circle first. Cut floor from 1/4" acrylic. Polish edges; cement to flattened section of collar.

Cut parts for track slide from pine; assemble. Check fit on track, then attach to car.

Assemble two ends of car on collar; hang car on track and check slide. Use Teflon spray if required to improve it.

Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3

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