Rocket Firing Boba Fett First Shot: This photograph shows two unpainted Boba Fett first shots side by side to show the front and back views. Both are authentic prototypes acquired from ex-Kenner employees. What else is there to say about these pieces...there is no Star Wars prototype more well-known than the rocket firing Boba Fett figure. Contrary to popular myth, these figures were never shipped to kids via the popular mail-in offer, despite how relatively common it is to meet collectors who swear they received one from Kenner. The ones pictured here are the unpainted L-slot variety. It is estimated that there are two dozen of these in existence.

The one on the left has an original, authentic rocket. These rockets are four-sided unlike the eight-sided rockets on the production Boba Fett figure. There are only a few authentic four-sided rockets known to exist.

Description: Gus Lopez
Photo: Greg Hanson and Brian Rachfal
From the collections of Greg Hanson and Brian Rachfal