Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (2 of 4): This image shows a proof sheet of POTF cards. They are printed front and back just like normal figure cards. Like many proof printings, the color band is visible at the top. I'm not quite sure what it's used for, but I have seen it appear on many types of publishing proofs, not just cards. The cards are pretty spaced out on the sheet and I would have to guess that on production runs they would be printed side-by-side in order to keep from wasting vast amounts of paper. This sheet has four cards, but sheets with as many as eight cards printed are known to exist. This second sheet image includes still more unproduced POTF figures, although customized versions of both Luke Hoth and AT-AT Commander (better known as General Veers) have been created by some folks.
Description: Chris Georgoulias