Canadian 21-Back ESB Bin Header Card: This thing freakin' rocks!! Although no header cards for action figure display bins were released with the ESB logo in the States, one version of the 21-Back header appears to have been released with the logo in Canada, albeit in very small numbers. While the text is completely in English, the source and, more signficantly, the construction of the piece, make it likely that it was only released in Canada--it is composed of non-corrugated cardboard, very similar to other Kenner Canada headers, such as those issued in conjunction with the first waves of 12-Backs figures. The design with the character photos in circles is lifted directly from the earlier Star Wars version of the 21-Back header, which was widely available in the States. In some ways, this might be considered a prototype example of the never-produced successor to the three Star Wars headers--something collectors have been looking for a long time. For a display collector, its a key piece, and this is the only one currently known to exist in collector circles.
Description: Ron Salvatore